Contact us
Excellent communication is essential to delivering successful projects on time and on budget. At M2K Construction, we welcome feedback or comments about our construction practices.
If you are a residential, commercial or industrial landowner and wish to discuss how M2K can help add value to your property; please send an e-mail from the form and one of our Project Managers will be happy to contact you.
Subcontractors / Suppliers
Cole Ferguson (604) 830-9051
M2K are able to provide high-level service due in part to our strong network of suppliers and subcontractors. If you are interested in working with M2K on future projects, please contact Cole or send us an email from the form.
General Contact Information
T (604) 521-8500
F (604) 517-0411
M2K Construction Ltd.
#203 – 1312 Ketch Court
Coquitlam, BC V3K 6W1